
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Modified Shell Stitch Summary

We've reached the end of the shell stitch series and I for one am glad.  Since most of these stitches are very similar, it wasn't all that interesting to do, and I'm guessing, not all that interesting to read.  However, I did find some great stitches through this process that I otherwise wouldn't have tried.  The best find in this series was 10001.  Basically, all of the palindromic stitches are worth looking at, and some of the others are neat too.  Here's how it all panned out:

00000 : open, lacy, stretchy
00001 & 10000 : grid of single/double thick squares, worth a look
00010 & 01000 : complex mesh, quintessential crochet
00011 & 11000 : neat: thick vertical columns separated by open triangles
00100 : grid of triangles you can diagram and fill in like fillet crochet
00101 & 10100 : vertical columns of triangles, filled and open, good for scarves
00110 & 01100 : thin vertical columns, simple and boring
00111 & 11100 : like Stitch 2 from Darla Sim's book
01001 & 10010 : lacy network, surprisingly pretty, good for scarves
01010 : light, simple, and easy, good for scarves and baby blankets
01011 & 11010 : small holes, not really interesting
01101 & 10110 : pretty, but nothing special
01110 : twin vertical columns, simple, lacy, and elegant
01111 & 11110 : solid and boring
10001 : awesome, grid of double thick squares, try it!
10011 & 11001 : interesting, diagonal line of holes through fabric
10101 : nice, you can actually see the stitches, will reuse
10111 & 11101 : solid and boring
11011 : solid, and easy, uses less yarn and is almost indistinguishable from the original
11111 : original shell stitch

An explanation of how to read these stitches is in the introduction to this series, here.


  1. Thanks for the summary.... I read thru them a couple of times and keep getting lost on which one I wanted to try ... this made it easy. 11011 - I am hoping it works out well for a couple of graduation throws I need to get done.

  2. This system of stitches is outstanding. It unifies the shell variations and expresses them in easy-to-understand symbols.

    I've never seen anything like it and hope you will do the same for other series.

