
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shell Stitch 10001

This variation is my favorite so far because it looks really neat, is really easy to do, and is distinctly different from all the rest.  Going through all of these stitches was worth it just to learn this stitch.  The fabric is a grid of square holes surrounded with two strands on all sides.  Since first trying out this stitch, I've made several scarves out of this stitch.  It's ideal for scarves because it's a little bit stretchy due to crocheting into spaces, which makes it more comfortable, but still solid enough to be warm.  If you're going to make a scarf, chaining 23 works great.

Without further ado:
Stitch 10001:
Chain a multiple of 6 + 5
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sk 2, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next ch, sk 2, sc) across, [dc, ch 1, dc] in last ch
Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc, ([dc, ch 3, dc] in sc, sc in ch 3 space) across, [dc, ch 1, dc] in last sc

Repeat Row 2 for pattern

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