
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shell Stitches 01011 and 11010

Well, here we go with the next modified shell stitches: 01011 (blue) and 11010 (green).  There's nothing wrong with these stitches, but there's really nothing special about them either.  I doubt that I will use these again because there are so many other stitches out there that are great.  In this case, I actually prefer the less solid edge version (green) because the gaps are what makes this at all interesting. 

In any case, here are the patterns:
Stitch 01011:
Chain a multiple of 6 + 5
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sk 2, [2 dc, ch 1, dc] in next ch, ch 1, sk 2, sc) across, 3 dc in last ch
Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc, ([2 dc, ch 1, dc] in sc, ch 1, sc in ch 1 space) across, 3 dc in last sc

Repeat Row 2 for pattern

Stitch 11010:
Chain a multiple of 6 + 5
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, (ch 1, sk 2, [dc, ch 1, 2 dc] in next ch, sk 2, sc) across, [ch 1, 2 dc] in last ch
Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc, (ch 1, [dc, ch 1, 2 dc] in sc, sc in ch 1 space) across, [ch 1, 2 dc] in last sc

Repeat Row 2 for pattern

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