
Monday, August 13, 2012

Open Hexagons Baby Blanket

So, I tried out the Open Hexagons stitch, which is a combination of the simple shell stitch, and the 00100 shell stitch, by making a baby blanket.  I intended to make it an Aggie blanket by adding white in the border, but I decided to just have it be a solid maroon blanket.

Here's the pattern:
Chain 92, then work the aforementioned stitch until work is square. 
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sk 2, 5 dc in next ch, sk 2, sc) across
Row 2: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in first sc, sk 2, (sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2, dc in sc, ch 2 sk 2, sc, sk 2, 5 dc) across, 3 dc in last sc
Row 3: ch 1, turn, sc in dc, (sk 2, 3 dc in sc, ch 2 , sk 2, sc, ch 2, sk 2, 3 dc, sk 2, sc) across, sc in last dc
Row 4: repeat Row 2
Row 5: ch 1, turn, sc in dc, (sk 2, 5 dc in sc, sk 2, sc in dc) across, sc in last dc
Row 6: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in first sc, (sk 2, sc in dc, sk 2, 5 dc in sc, sk 2, sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2, dc in sc, ch 2) across, 3 dc in last sc
Row 7: ch 1, turn, sc in dc, sk 2, 5 dc in sc, (sk 2, sc in dc, sk 2, 3 dc in sc, ch 2, sk 2, sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2, 3 dc in sc) across, sc in last dc
Row 8 : repeat Row 6
Row 9: repeat Row 5

Repeat Rows 2-9 for pattern, ending with row 5.

Add the standard border:
Round 1: sc around, 3 sc in each corner
Round 2: dc around, 5 dc in each corner
Round 3: sc around, 3 sc in each corner
Round 4: (sc, ch 3, sk 1) around, (sc, ch 3, sc in same stitch) at corner

I made this with Bernat Satin yarn in Bordeaux and a J hook.


  1. Dear Sarah:

    What a beautiful pattern! I love afghans that can be worked in one piece (can never get the separate motifs the same size!). Thank you for sharing this.

    Nancy Kittle

  2. Hi i would love to try this pattern, its very pretty. I just don't see the measurements and the amount of yarn. My email is thanks
