
Monday, June 25, 2012

Spaced Shell Stitch

There are many variations of the shell stitch, here is one of them: essentially, you work a row of the simple shell stitch, and then you do a row of scaffolding to even out the height of the stitches.  Then you do a row of the simple shell stitch again, but this time shifted over half a repeat.  Hopefully that made some sense.  Put another way, you work the simple shell stitch, but with scaffolding in between, spacing the shells.

One thing I learned from the Triple Play Pattern Stitches book, is that seeing a stitch in different color patterns makes it much easier to follow a pattern.  Therefore, I made swatches of this stitch in different color patterns for your perusal.  The top picture shows a solid color version; the middle picture shows a two color version with rows 2 and 3 maroon and rows 4 and 5 white; the bottom picture shows a three color version changing colors every row, beginning with white, then brown, then yellow.

Ch multiple of 6 +5
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sk 2, (5 dc in next ch, sk 2, sc, sk 2) across, 3 dc in last ch
Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2, (dc in sc, ch 2, sk 2, sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2) across, dc in last sc
Row 3: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in dc, (sc in sc, 5 dc in dc) across, sc in last sc
Row 4: ch 5, turn, sk 2,(sc in dc, ch 2, sk 2, dc in sc, ch 2, sk 2) across, sc in last dc
Row 5: ch 1, turn, sc in sc, (5 dc in dc, sc in sc) across, 3 dc in last dc

Repeat Rows 2-5 for pattern, ending with Row 2 or Row 4

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