
Monday, June 11, 2012

Modified Lacy Shawl

So, I have come up with another version of the Lacy Shawl pattern.  The only thing that changes is how you do the points.  Instead of doing (ch 3, dc, ch 3) in the points of even rows, now you do 7 dc.  The effect is that shells go down the center of the shawl.  I think this is actually easier than the original pattern because there is a defined place to do every stitch: you never have to do a stitch into a ch 3 space. 

Here's the full pattern with the modification: 
Chain 2
Row 1: 3 sc in 2nd chain from the hook (3 sc)
Row 2: ch 1, turn, 2 sc in first sc, sc 2 sc in last sc (5 sc)

Row 1: ch 1, do not turn, 2 sc in corner, sc, 3 sc in point, sc, 2 sc in corner
Row 2: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, ch 3, sk 3, 7 dc in point, ch 3, sk 3, 3 dc in corner
Row 3: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, dc in next 2 dc, ch 3, dc in dc, (dc, ch 3, dc) in point, dc in dc, ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in corner
Row 4: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, ch 3, sk 3, dc, ch 3, dc in dc, ch 3, 7 dc in point, ch 3, dc in dc, ch 3, dc, ch 3, sk 3, 3 dc in corner
Row 5: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, dc in next 2 dc, ch 3, (dc in dc, ch 3) to point, (dc, ch 3, dc) in point, ch 3, (dc in dc, ch 3) to last 3 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in corner
Row 6: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, sk 3, (ch 3, dc in dc) to point, 7 dc in point, dc in dc, (ch 3, dc in dc) to corner, 3 dc in corner

Rows 7-26: repeat rows 5-6 10 times

Row 27: ch 3, turn, 2 dc in corner, dc, 4 dc in next dc, sc in dc, (7 dc in dc, sc in dc) to point, 7 dc in point,  sc in dc, (7 dc in dc, sc in dc) to last 3 dc, 4 dc in next dc, dc, 3 dc in corner

Finishing: ch 1, turn, sc across the top, slip stitch, fasten off, weave in ends.

Essentially, you dc in each of the posts across with either a (dc, ch 3, dc) or a (ch 3, dc, ch 3) in the point.  You will always have 3 dc in the corners (ch 3 counts as a dc).

I made this with Simply Soft Ocean yarn and a J hook.

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