
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Skating along: Stitch Four!

This was a stitch I was looking forward to trying out and it did not disappoint.  The picture in the book of a solid colored version is pretty, but I like the three color version I tried.  It's a happy and somewhat whimsical stitch that makes for good baby blankets, blankets, and scarves.  It's somewhat lacy, but not overly so.  The color combination, along with the stitch itself reminds me of lollipops.  I will definitely use this stitch again.

Color Pattern:
(1 row of yellow, 1 row of orange, 1 row of purple) repeated, ending with a row of orange; the border is purple.

Here's the pattern:
Chain 88, then work stitch until square.  Add the standard border and you're done.
Round 1: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 2: dc around, 5 dc in corner
Round 3: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 4: (sc, ch 3, sk 1) around, (sc, ch 3, sc in same stitch) at corner

I made this with Lion Brand Pound of Love yarn in Lavender, Cream-sickle,and Pastel Yellow with a J hook.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And then: Stitch Three!

In the interest of trying out new color patterns, I tried this one striped in maroon and white.  I'm not overly fond of the result;  it looks a little messy and thrown together, or at least that was my impression as I worked it.  However, I think that's simply the result of the striping pattern.  If it was one color, like it is in the book, it would be gorgeous.  It's not overly complicated or difficult to do, and it grows at a reasonable pace.  I'll probably reuse this but using only one color in the future.  It would be good for scarves, shawls, baby blankets, and afghans.  I'll probably make an afghan out of it at some point. 
In any case, here are the details:
Color pattern:
2 rows of white, (2 rows of maroon, 2 rows of white) repeated, ending with 1 row of maroon.  Border is maroon.
Chain 92, then work the stitch until work is square.  Add the border and you're done.
Round 1: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 2: dc around, 5 dc in corner
Round 3: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 4: (sc, ch 3, sk 1) around, (sc, ch 3, sc in same stitch) at corner

I made this with Bernat Satin yarn in Bordeaux and Snow with a J hook.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Naturally next: Stitch Two!

My first impression of this stitch was not favorable.  Based on the swatch shown in the book I thought it was going to be too open, and somewhat boring on top of that.  I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it; it's actually a stitch I conceivably would use again.  It's quick, easy, and essentially mindless.  The striping pattern is what keeps it from being boring.

Color pattern:
2 rows of white, (2 rows of maroon, 2 rows of white) repeated, ending with 1 row of maroon.  Border is maroon.

Chain 90, then work stitch until square.  Add the border to finish it.
Round 1: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 2: dc around, 5 dc in corner
Round 3: sc around, 3 sc in corner
Round 4: (sc, ch 3, sk 1) around, (sc, ch 3, sc in same stitch) at corner

I made this with Bernat Satin yarn in Bordeaux and Snow with a J hook.